All Trades Restoration Services


Safety First

At ATRS (It may be tired, but it still applies) It’s always SAFETY FIRST!
We believe that a resistance to the use of safety equipment is due to a lack of understanding. The majority of accidents could have been avoided had the victim used the appropriate safety measures. Most companies do not have a safety program until after an accident happens. This is often due to the cost and time required to initiate the program. At ATRS we realize that any initial cost of starting a safety program is always recouped after the first accident, which we don’t want to happen.

Were in it together!

Let’s face it; the employer, the installer, and the home or business owner all have a significant interest in working out and following an effective safety program. No one wants anyone getting hurt on his or her property or his or her time. Safety serves to reduce liability insurance cost, and workers compensation premiums, all which lead to our ability to price our jobs more efficiently and provide cost savings to our customers. If you’re shopping for a contractor always ask for proof of insurance and their safety records before letting them step on to your property.

Safety Motto

Safety First and always Remember, it’s always in everyone’s best
Interest if you decide to work under the safest conditions possible.

Safety Fact

The fear that safety equipment will hamper the ability to perform the job is invalid. In fact, workers’ compensation, medical insurance underwriters, and third-party administrators have all found that the use of safety equipment increases productivity because of less time lost to due to accidents, fewer medical costs and most importantly, less time spent training new personnel to replace the injured personnel.

Safety Tip

Ladder safety is improved and gutters are better protected if you
use a “gutter-guard.” To do this, notch a piece of scrap plywood to
accept the width of a ladder, and fasten the wood to the roof deck.
Set the ladder in the notch and tie it in place. The ladder won’t touch
or crush the gutter, or slide sideways during wind gusts
or while being climbed. When the job is almost complete,
remove the board and fill in the missing shingles. For added safety, stack two shingle bundles on the ground against the base of the ladder on the climbing side.

NOTE: This should not be considered an alternative to current OSHA requirements.

Basic Roof Safety Tips – Compliments of the American Plywood Association

Tie-off – On a steeply pitched roof, be sure to wear a safety harness that is securely tied off to a fall resistant device.
Avoid Slippery Roofs – When the roof is slippery from rain, snow, frost or dew, the best precaution is to wait until the roof surface is dry.
Keep it Clean – Make sure someone keeps the roof clean by frequently sweeping up sawdust, wood, shingle particles and other kinds of dirt.
Wear Rubber-soled Shoes or Boots – Rubber-soled boots typically provide better traction than leather-soled boots. Some crepe-soled boots also provide good traction. However, whatever shoes or boots you decide to wear, make sure they’re in good condition. Badly worn shoes of any type can be a real safety problem.
Keep the Skid-resistant Side of APA Performance Rated Panels Facing Out – Some Oriented Strand Board (OSB) panels are textured or splattercoated on one side to increase traction on the panel surface. When installing OSB panels on the roof, make sure the skid-resistant side is up.
Install Shingle Underlayment – Cover the deck with underlayment as soon as possible to minimize its exposure to the weather. Underlayment tends to make the roof less slippery when properly installed. (However, be aware of the risk that underlayment can tear away from fasteners on a steeper pitch. The lighter weight, undersaturated felts are most likely to tear out.)
Install Temporary Wood Cleats for Toe-holds – Nail 2″ x 4″ wood cleats or adjustable roof jacks to the roof deck to provide temporary toe-holds. Remove the cleats or roof jacks as the roofing is installed. (See also “OSHA Regulations in Brief.”)
Constantly Inspect the Roof and Immediately Remove Any Possible Tripping Hazards –Tools, electric cords and other loose items can all pose hazards and should be removed from the roof.
Learn the Federal, STTE and Local Worker-Safety Requirements – Learn what the government agencies require of you and the contractor you work for. These requirements exist to protect you. So, if you’re going to be a roofing professional, it’s an important part of your job to learn and follow these regulations.
Use Your Common Sense – Safety programs and regulations cannot foresee each of the conditions and layouts on which you must work. Adapt to protect yourself.

Ladder Safety Tips

Ladder Rating – Ladders are rated by how much weight they can safely bear, and you should consider the highest available rating of 1A or 300 pounds.
Material – When it comes to safety, the best material for a ladder is fiber glass. Although wood is cheaper and deteriorates when used outdoors, and aluminum is easier to handle, many industrial plants will not allow you to use aluminum ladders. Most industries insist upon the use of fiber glass ladders only.
Power Lines – Even ladders made of wood or fiber glass should not be used in the vicinity of power lines or other electrical hazards.
Positioning – Ladders should extend above the eaves by 3 to 3-1/2′ and sit on a firm level base. Leveling can be attained by digging or by use of adjustable leg levelers. Firmness can be attained by use of a 2-foot square piece of 3/4″ plywood under each leg.
Ladder Angle – To achieve the proper angle, the distance of the foot of the ladder from the wall supporting it should be one quarter (1/4) of the height of the wall.
Tie-off – A ladder in place for use over an extended period should be tied off at the bottom rung to a stake driven into the ground and near the top to an eye bolt screwed into the fascia.
Over-reaching – NEVER over-reach to either side while on a ladder. A good rule to follow is to keep your belt buckle between the rails.
Not a Plank – Do not use the ladder or even a section of a ladder as a plank or to provide stiffness to a wooden plank. Besides the danger of failure, the stresses set up during this usage loosen the ladder’s connecting points.
Step Ladders – Step ladders are intended for use fully opened, not closed and leaning against a wall. The highest step for standing on is 2 feet below the top.
Inspection – A ladder should be inspected every time it is set up for use. Check the ladder from bottom to top for any visible defects or wear, and that it’s correctly and securely anchored and properly positioned.
Rain – Rain presents risks to both the workers and the home itself. Rain is often accompanied by wind, so it is very important that temporary roofing used in the process of re-roofing be able to resist winds up to 60 mph. When underlayment is wet from rain or dew, it usually wrinkles. Some inexpensive underlayment wrinkles a great deal. Do not apply shingles over the wrinkles. Allow them to dry out and re-flatten, or cut them out and install patches. In some cases it may be more convenient to replace entire sections of underlayment. Under no circumstances should wood decks be exposed to rain without well-fastened underlayment in place. When a wood deck becomes soaked for any reason, allow it to dry out before applying underlayment and shingles. Wet decking will soak underlayment applied over it, and cause it to wrinkle. This in turn can cause buckling in the shingles. Be sure to protect shingle bundles from rain. Wet bundles are very difficult to handle. They may present safety problems and almost certainly will reduce productivity. Keep bundles under cover and off of the ground.

At All Trades Restoration Services it’s always SAFETY FIRST!

All Trades Restoration Services pride ourselves on being On Site… On Point… and On Your Side!